Submissions from 2022
Progress as Impact: A Contemporary View of Copyright and Patent Clause, Alina Ng
The Social Value of Intellectual Property, Alina Ng
Submissions from 2020
A Tale of Two Cities: Mark Cuban, David Einhorn, and the Ethics of Insider Trading Reform, John P. Anderson
Insider Trading and Cryptoassets: The Waters Just Got Muddier, John P. Anderson
How Mobile Homes Correlate With Per Capita Income, Randall K. Johnson
Submissions from 2019
Undoing a Deal with the Devil: Some Challenges for Congress's Proposed Reform of Insider Trading Plans, John P. Anderson
Show Me the Money: An Empirical Analysis of Interest Group Opposition to Federal Courts of Appeals Nominees, Donald E. Campbell and Marcus Hendershot
Called to Serve: Elevating Human-Performed Caregiver and Volunteer Work in an Era of AI-Robotic Technologies, Hilary G. Escajeda
Why Mississippi Should Reform Its Penal Code, Judith J. Johnson
Why Police Should Protect Complainant Autonomy, Randall K. Johnson
Submissions from 2018
Insider Trading and the Myth of Market Confidence, John P. Anderson
The Paragraph 20 Paradox: An Evaluation of the Enforcement of Ethical Rules as Substantive Law, Donald E. Campbell
Teaching and Learning Personal Jurisdiction after the Stealth Revolution, Deborah Challener
The Big Crowd and the Small Enterprise: Intracorporate Disputes in the Close-But-Crowdfunded Firm, Martin Edwards
Uniform Enforcement or Personalized Law? A Preliminary Examination of Parking Ticket Appeals in Chicago, Randall K. Johnson
Bringing Brown v. Board of Education Out of Retirement, Angela Mae Kupenda
Can Female Academics Say "No" Both Professionally and Elegantly to Excessive Work Demand? Yes, But You Might Have to Call a Friend, Angela Mae Kupenda
Personhood Seeking New Life with Republican Control, Jonathan Will, I. Glenn Cohen, and Eli Y. Adashi
Submissions from 2017
Paintbrushes and Crowbars: Richard Rorty and the New Public-Private Divide, John P. Anderson
Picking at Morals: Analytical Jurisprudence in the Age of Naturalized Ethics, Alina Ng Boyte
Book Review, Justin R. Huckaby
How the United States Postal Service (USPS) Could Encourage More Local Economic Development, Randall K. Johnson
Continuing Derrick Bell's Devotion in Creative Action, Angela Mae Kupenda
Embracing our First Responder Role as Academics - With Inspiration From Langston Hughes, Angela Mae Kupenda
What Do Diverse College Academics Do?: Maybe Make Quilts..., Angela Mae Kupenda
Submissions from 2016
Solving the Paradox of Insider Trading Compliance, John P. Anderson
The Final Step to Insider Trading Reform: Answering the "It's Just Not Right!" Objection, John P. Anderson
When Does Corporate Criminal Liability for Insider Trading Make Sense?, John P. Anderson
Who’s Exercising What Power: Toward a Judicially-Manageable Nondelegation Doctrine, Martin Edwards
Why U.S. States Need Pension Waiver Credits, Randall K. Johnson
Equality Lost in Time and Space: Examining the Race/Class Quandary with Personal Pedagogical Lessons from a Course, a Film, a Case, and an Unfinished Movement, Angela Mae Kupenda
Higher Education: Putting Our Children on the Bus to Success, Angela Mae Kupenda
Mentoring Pluses for Underrepresented Faculty, Angela Mae Kupenda
The Call And the Response: The Call, The 1991 Open Letter from Federal Judge A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., and the 25 Years of Response from Justice Clarence Thomas, Angela Mae Kupenda
Building Support for Faculty Women of Color in STEM, Loretta A. Moore, Deidre L. Wheaton, Evelyn J. Leggette, and Angela Mae Kupenda
The Influence of Justice Thurgood Marshall on the Development of Title VII Jurisprudence, Wendy B. Scott, Jada Akers, and Amy White
Submissions from 2015
Anticipating a Sea Change for Insider Trading Law: From Trading Plan Crisis to Rational Reform, John P. Anderson
What’s the Harm in Issuer-Licensed Insider Trading?, John P. Anderson
More Uncertainty After Daimler AG v. Bauman: A Response to Professors Cornett and Hoffheimer, Deborah Challener
Medical Malpractice Claims in Mississippi: A Preliminary Analysis, Randall K. Johnson
Book Review, Angela Mae Kupenda
Breaking Cartels to Stymie the Reproduction of Racism and Breaking them in Time, Angela Mae Kupenda
'Truth and Reconciliation': A Critical Step Toward Eliminating Race and Gender Violations in Tenure Wars, Angela Mae Kupenda and Tamara F. Lawson
Chip Off the Old Block, Jim Rosenblatt
Submissions from 2014
Greed, Envy, and the Criminalization of Insider Trading, John P. Anderson
The Conceits of Our Legal Imagination: Legal Fictions and the Concept of Deemed Authorship, Alina Ng Boyte
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Tax-Free Liquidating Distribution? Ideological Debates on Taxation and the Repeal of General Utilities, Martin Edwards
Personal Guarantees and Sureties between Commercial Law and Consumers in the United States, Christoph Henkel
Book Review, Justin R. Huckaby
Where Schools Close in Chicago, Randall K. Johnson
Challenging Presumed (Im)Morality: A Personal Narrative, Angela Mae Kupenda
On the Receiving End of Influence: Helping Craft the Scholarship of My Students and How Their Work Influences Me, Angela Mae Kupenda
Will the South Rise again and, if So, in What Form?: Lessons from LatCrit about Resisting the Fear of Cultural Understanding, Angela Mae Kupenda
Transforming Climates for the Academic Woman of Color: Facilitating Greater Understanding in the Workplace Climate and in Social Structures, Loretta A. Moore, Michelle D. Deardorff, Evelyn J. Leggette, and Angela Mae Kupenda
Reflections on Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia Symposium--The Plenary Panel, Maritza I. Reyes, Angela Mae Kupenda, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Stephanie M. Wildman, and Adrien K. Wing
Sex Crimes Litigation as Hazardous Duty: Practical Tools for Trauma-Exposed Prosecutors, Defense Counsel, and Paralegals, Evan R. Seamone
Submissions from 2013
Forty (Plus) Years After the Revolution: Observations on the Implied Warranty of Habitability, Donald E. Campbell
Legal Ethics in a Time of Change: An Assessment of the American Bar Association's Ethics 20/20 Commission, Donald E. Campbell
Partisanship, Politics, and the Voting Rights Act: The Curious Case of U.S. v. Ike Brown, Donald E. Campbell
The Sky is Falling (Again): Evaluating the Current Funding Crisis in the Judiciary, Donald E. Campbell
Harmonizing European Union Bank Resolution: Central Clearing of OTC Derivative Contracts Maintaining the Status Quo of Safe Harbors, Christoph Henkel
How Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts Correlate with Taxable Properties, Randall K. Johnson
Book Review, Angela Mae Kupenda
'May It Please the Court?': A Short Story, Angela Mae Kupenda
Using Feathery Birds to Disguise Hateful Speech: Avatar, Hillary: The Movie, Citizens United, and How Birds of the Same Feather Flock Together, Angela Mae Kupenda
Beyond Abortion: Why the Personhood Movement Implicates Reproductive Choice, Jonathan Will
Submissions from 2012
To Advice and ConsentDelay: The Role of Interest Groups in the Confirmation of Judges to the Federal Courts of Appeal, Donald E. Campbell
Motherhood and the Constitution: (Re)Thinking the Power of Women to Facilitate Change, Angela Mae Kupenda
Literary Property and Copyright, Alina Ng
Pardon Me - The Need for a Fair and Impartial Judiciary, Jim Rosenblatt
Submissions from 2011
Raise Your Hand and Swear to Be Civil: Defining Civility as an Obligation of Professional Responsibility, Donald E. Campbell
Negotiating Social Mobility and Critical Citizenship: Institutions at a Crossroads, Michelle D. Deardorff and Angela Mae Kupenda
Academic War Strategies for Nonviolent Armies of One, Angela Mae Kupenda
(Re)Complexioning a Simple Tale: Race, Speech, and Colored Leadership, Angela Mae Kupenda
The Tenure of a Law School Dean: It's Not How Long You Make It - It's How You Make It Long, Jim Rosenblatt
Submissions from 2010
Protecting Cats and Dogs in Order to Protect Humans: Making the Case for a Felony Companion Animal Statute in Mississippi, Deborah Challener
The Struggling Class: Replacing an Insider White Female Middle Class Dream with a Struggling Black Female Reality, Angela Mae Kupenda
Rights, Privileges, and Access to Information, Alina Ng
Diagnosing American Health Care: Economic Stakeholders and Bioethical Considerations, Jonathan Will
Submissions from 2009
Should the Rooster Guard the Henhouse: A Critical Analysis of the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980, Donald E. Campbell
Remand and Appellate Review Issues Facing the Supreme Court in Carlsbad Technology, Inc. v. HIF Bio, Inc., Deborah Challener and John B. Howell III
Reasonable Factors Other Than Age: The Emerging Specter of Ageist Stereotypes, Judith J. Johnson
The State as Batterer: Learning from Family Law to Address American's Family-Like Racial Dysfunction, Angela Mae Kupenda
The Author's Rights in Literary and Artistic Works, Alina Ng
Submissions from 2008
Remand and Appellate Review When a District Court Declines to Exercise Supplemental Jurisdiction Under 28 U.S.C. § 1367(c): Carlsbad Technology, Inc. v. HIF Bio, Inc., Deborah Challener and John B. Howell III
Book Review, Angela Mae Kupenda
Simply Put: How Diversity Benefits Whites and How Whites Can Simply Benefit Diversity, Angela Mae Kupenda
A Process Theory of Natural Law and the Rule of Law in China, Mark C. Modak-Truran
Book Review, Mark C. Modak-Truran
The Social Contract and Authorship: Allocating Entitlements in the Copyright System., Alina Ng
Submissions from 2007
Distinguishing Certification from Abstention in Diversity Cases: Postponement Versus Abdication of the Duty to Exercise Jurisdiction, Deborah Challener
Rescue the Americans with Disabilities Act from Restrictive Interpretations: Alcoholism as an Illustration, Judith J. Johnson
Beyond Theocracy and Secularism (Part I): Toward a New Paradigm for Law and Religion, Mark C. Modak-Truran