Mississippi College Law Review
Vol. 13 Iss. 2
Title Page
Title Page
MC Law
Table of Contents
To Disclose or Not to Disclose: The Dilemma of the School Counselor
Stephen R. Ripps, Martin H. Ritchie, and Mary Kathryn Chaffee
School Searches - A Look into the 21st Century
Robert Berkeley Harper
Case Notes
School Desegregation: Progress or Regression - Freeman v. Pitts
Patricia D. Green
Five to Four over Spirited Dissent: Justification to Overrule - Payne v. Tennessee
Lynn McCreery Shaw
Sweeping the Buses: Florida's Search for the Appropriate Test in Determining What Constitutes a Seizure in Regard to Their Own Drug Interdiction Program - Florida v. Bostick
William W. Stewart Jr.