Mississippi College Law Review
Table of Contents
Underinsured Motorist Coverage in Mississippi
Richard T. Phillips
Book Review
Making Jury Instructions Understandable by Amiram Elwork, Bruce D. Sales, and James J. Alfini
Mark M. Dobson
Case Notes
Antitrust - Municipalties and the State Action Exemption of the Sherman Antitrust Act - Community Communications Co. v. City of Boulder
Charlene Robb Pierce
UCC - Application of the Mississippi Uniform Commercial Code's Implied Warranty Provisions to Used Goods and the Enforceability of Disclaimer Clauses - Massey-Ferguson, Inc. v. Evans
Frederick B. Feeney II
Criminal Procedure - Mistrial, Manifest Necessity, and the Mississippi Standard - Jones v. States
Marcia Davis
Wills - Spousal Desertion - Tillman v. Williams
Linda D. Bounds